Elixir de Spa Oyster Shot The salty taste of the oyster works perfectly with the spiciness of Elixir de Spa. The lime is fresh and sour. This combination makes for a very complex palate sensation!INGREDIENTS 3 cl Elixir de Spa 1 oyster ½ slice of lime PREPARATION Open up the oyster, cut loose the oyster meat [...]
Elixir de Spa Forest The thyme and the spicy ginger give the Elixir de Spa that extra herbal boost. It also works perfectly with the sweet and sour wild berries.INGREDIENTS 5 cl Elixir de Spa 5 fresh cranberries 4 fresh blackberries 2 sprigs of thyme 1 slice of ginger (grated) PREPARATION Bruise the fresh cranberries, [...]
Cavaillon Elixir de Spa The spicy combination of the Elixir de Spa and the ginger ale add sparkle to the sweet and sour flavours of the melon and the lime.INGREDIENTS 1 cavaillon melon 4 cl Elixir de Spa 4 cl ginger ale 3 cl lime juice sprigs of fresh mint PREPARATION Cut a circle from [...]